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The Skill


Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit and all work transitioned to online, I learnt and refined my skills on Autodesk Sketchbook.

For me, this application has been an even quicker and efficient method of drawing, allowing me to rapidly generate various designs and iterations, whilst saving them all on the one device. 

I utilise this both for initial brainstorming and let-outs, refinement, and more technical dimension drawings and exploded views.


Let outs

For me, most design projects start with let-out pages.  This is where I can roughly and quickly experiment with different forms, styles and shapes without considering dimensions, technicalities or much surface details.

I also find that by doing so, a potential concept direction appears, and allows a client to clearly see my thought process throughout

Human Context

Including human interaction provides context and a clear representation of product size, and is often a more meaningful tool than a dimensioned drawing for a client.

I find it also helps me to see if any functional elements, such as handles or switches are located correctly.

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Technical Drawings

Technical drawings are a key stage for me, prior to moving my design onto CAD. 

This ensures myself or any potential manufacturer can easily build my design, and also acts as a final chance to spot any oversights in terms of size or location before building.

Competing a dimensioned drawing also encourages consideration of material tolerances and clearances early on.  

Exploded Drawings

The benefit of exploded drawings is it ensures appropriate thought has gone into the assembly of the product, as well as the inclusion of any internal components. 

It also helps everyone, including a potential client or manufacturer to visualise each component clearly.

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Hand Renders

Rendering on Autodesk Sketchbook is a skill I use in most concept presentations.  It allows me to quickly bring a design to life, offering a more engaging and realistic product, which is clearer and more appealing to all than a simple line drawing.  

Incorporating simple techniques to represent different materials also allows me to show concepts where a large part of the design focuses on contrasting materials

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